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Planet Earth, our only habitat

The earth lies sleeping, though wakes from time to time, showing her concern, her usually dormant powers.  The earth is aware that things are not as they might be.  As they could be...The earth knows all life within and without - and hears

The tiny frog has no voice to say "Leave something for me!"  The oh so rare and beautiful butterfly has no understanding of the concrete towers where the caterpillar's only food once grew.

The diversities of life that the earth has nurtured for millennia are slowly swallowed up, churned into nothingness, and spat out with contempt by that aged insatiable evil - greed, which in time will earn its own sad reward...

Eternal Cycle

 A pounding fills my mind as
indiscriminate power roars
and rages towards the shore,
breaking gently then upon the sand.

Tiny ripples of white energy
dispersing slowly, to be joined
once again by more and more
gentle ripples upon the pebbles and sand

An infinite and comforting process,
that brings to mind deep gratitude
for being granted a place within this majesty,
this perfect balance of indefinable law

Perhaps I can stay here, holding this moment.
Melting, dispersing into this great unending cycle
of life, the very breathing of a universe, and
blending and becoming one with all around me

The moment passes, as seemingly through a veil..
my consciousness becomes aware of sounds
outside this, my newly created dimension, and then
a child cries, an aeroplane roars its existence overhead

I’m left with feelings of sadness as the old mundane
reality once more takes hold and draws me in….



home About Peace Faery Realm Wish Faery Beginnings Gaia Raphael Metatron SeaDeep River Faeries Messages KnowThyself Transition Storm SleepingEarth Distance Healing A perspective HealingTechniques Birdwing Butterfly Little Froggy Page Threatened Wildlife