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Wish Fairy



Hold a vision in your mind now - make a wish - Believe in yourself and your ability to
manifest whatsoever is for your highest good, and the highest good of all involved - Now affirm ~

"I am open and receptive to new levels of Prosperity, Abundance, Peace and Love
coming into my life now"


Perhaps, if you try, you could learn to recognise again, those ever so faint perceptions
of movement, those feelings of awareness of other realities, the awareness that was put
aside as a child because it was considered foolish and socially unacceptable.

Remember those clouds of childhood, the pictures that would suddenly come to life, of other
realms leading to inner journeys of adventure and fun.  They are still there if you would so allow.

Remember again that inner voice which would censure or encourage forays into unknown
territory, exciting places of imagination which were so real, and even now are still there

This physical material reality becomes the glue that holds you in a prison of illusion , rigid, immovable

Melt that glue a little.  Allow your imagination to take you to places you’ve been before, and see everything with eyes of belief, of adventure and awe in the everyday happenings of your life.

Our material reality is but a dream that we become locked into so very tightly

Push a little - venture out ~





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