always is an infinity of possibilities
of a brighter day tomorrow Be at Peace.
To "know
thyself" as a spiritual being with a true spark of The
Divine eternally within, is the first step on the pathway
of deep inner knowledge of yourself as something much
more than your outer material reality suggests. Allow
yourself to become aware of your "smaller self" which is
your physical/material self and your true "Self" your
higher consciousness. The indwelling spark of God
That Spark
No matter how
dismal you may find your life at this exact moment.
If you look inside yourself you will sense/see a bright
a tiny spark which no matter what, will not ever
extinguish. if you examine or key into this spark,
you will find that the outer aspects of your life have
very little relevance to the entirety of your true
Even in
the deepest, darkness you will find this spark, and
within the spark is joy. Joy in the absolute
knowing that you inexorably evolve, and move towards the
ultimate unity with the All, the true Divine
All your
experiences are part of your process, and
seeing them as
a small part albeit perhaps a painful
part can help to
create a perspective seen from the higher consciousness.
Acknowledging this spark of The Divine within you,
that you
own, can help you to live your life to its full
potential, giving you the ability to overcome obstacles,
and accept your path as what and where you need to
be at
this time, in order to grow and evolve
Seek and nourish that spark.